RSocket as wire protocol

In this talk, I want to share my thoughts and experiments on bringing RSocket as wire protocol for various databases and messaging systems like Kafka!

RSocket is a layer 5-6 network protocol that brings reactive-streams semantic into the networking layer. One of the dominant sides of RSocket is transport agnosticism, which abstracts the final user from transport implementation details and gives a transparent programming model for building Application messaging as well as low-level communication.

From this talk, you will learn how one protocol can rule them all, browser or server communication with Database/Kafka, how you can easily switch from TCP to Aeron or QUIC with no requirement to rewrite your code and no needs to understand how particular transport is used beneath.

Oleh Dokuka,


RSocket as wire protocol
Oleh Dokuka,
In this talk, I want to share my thoughts and experiments on bringing RSocket as wire protocol for various databases and messaging systems like Kafka!

RSocket is a layer 5-6 network protocol that brings reactive-streams semantic into the networking layer. One of the dominant sides of RSocket is transport agnosticism, which abstracts the final user from transport implementation details and gives a transparent programming model for building Application messaging as well as low-level communication.

From this talk, you will learn how one protocol can rule them all, browser or server communication with Database/Kafka, how you can easily switch from TCP to Aeron or QUIC with no requirement to rewrite your code and no needs to understand how particular transport is used beneath.
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About speaker
Mainly Java Software Engineer / Consultant focused on distributed systems development adopting ReactiveManifesto and ReactiveProgramming techniques. Open source geek, the active contributor of ProjectReactor. Along with that, public speaker and author of the book "Reactive Programming in Spring 5.0".
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