Kotlintest and the Order of the Phoenix. What did Kotlin give to the testing world

Do you write in Kotlin but still using Java infrastructure for testing? With the Kotlin ecosystem, the number of tools for Kotlin testing is growing too.

In this talk we will look at how Kotlin can simplify the life of test developer — either he's developer, QA or somebody else. We'll also compare Kotlintest with other popular testing frameworks and take a look under the hood to see how it is organized internally.

Pasha Finkelshtein,


Kotlintest and the Order of the Phoenix. What did Kotlin give to the testing world
Pasha Finkelshtein,
Do you write in Kotlin but still using Java infrastructure for testing? With the Kotlin ecosystem, the number of tools for Kotlin testing is growing too.

In this talk we will look at how Kotlin can simplify the life of test developer — either he's developer, QA or somebody else. We'll also compare Kotlintest with other popular testing frameworks and take a look under the hood to see how it is organized internally.
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IT guy with psychological background — he has tried everything from humanitarian to exact science and from technical support to programming and data engineering. Such life inevitably develops a wide outlook and curiosity. He likes to share things he has learned.
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