Java Objects Inside Out

It is a recurrent question how much memory does a Java object take. In the absence of accessible sizeof operator, people left to wonder about the footprint impact on their code and/or resort to urban legends and tales from the wizards.

In this talk, we shall try to peek inside the Java objects and see what lies beneath. Once we do this, many tricks around object footprint would become apparent, some of the runtime footprint quirks would be explained, and some low-level performance behavior would hopefully be more clear.

Aleksey Shipilev,

Red Hat

Java Objects Inside Out
Aleksey Shipilev,
Red Hat
It is a recurrent question how much memory does a Java object take. In the absence of accessible sizeof operator, people left to wonder about the footprint impact on their code and/or resort to urban legends and tales from the wizards.

In this talk, we shall try to peek inside the Java objects and see what lies beneath. Once we do this, many tricks around object footprint would become apparent, some of the runtime footprint quirks would be explained, and some low-level performance behavior would hopefully be more clear.
About speaker
About speaker
Aleksey is working on Java performance for 10+ years. Today he is employed by Red Hat, where he does OpenJDK development and performance work. Aleksey develops and maintains a number of OpenJDK subprojects, including JMH, JOL, and JCStress.

He is also an active participant in expert groups and communities dealing with performance and concurrency. Prior joining Red Hat, Aleksey was working on Apache Harmony at Intel, then moved to Sun Microsystems, which was later consumed by Oracle.
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