Production profiling with JDK Flight Recorder & JDK Mission Control

JDK Mission Control is the industry standard tool for Java performance analysis in production environments. This presentation will introduce the tool and explain how to use it to solve various production time problems with very little overhead.

We will also discuss how application developers can extend their applications to take advantage of the event recording capabilities of the JDK Flight Recorder, now included in OpenJDK 11+, and how to create custom tools based on the extensive Mission Control API to analyse specific issues beyond what is offered by default by the Eclipse based tool.

Jean-Philippe Bempel,


Production profiling with JDK Flight Recorder & JDK Mission Control
Jean-Philippe Bempel,
JDK Mission Control is the industry standard tool for Java performance analysis in production environments. This presentation will introduce the tool and explain how to use it to solve various production time problems with very little overhead.

We will also discuss how application developers can extend their applications to take advantage of the event recording capabilities of the JDK Flight Recorder, now included in OpenJDK 11+, and how to create custom tools based on the extensive Mission Control API to analyse specific issues beyond what is offered by default by the Eclipse based tool.
О докладчике
О докладчике
Developer passionate by performance, runtimes (JVM, CLR) and Mechanical Sympathy supporter, Jean-Philippe has more than 8 years experience in low latency trading systems. After He brings his expertise on the JVM at Criteo in order to optimize resources on thousand node clusters, He is now at Datadog to evaluate & improve both profiler & tracer agent. He is also a contributor to OpenJDK for the JDK Mission Control project.
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