GraalVM: The one to rule them all

Too many languages we have, too many frameworks for each of them. Some of them are so awesome that you wish you can use it in your regular project. Java is for high performance server, Node.JS is for simple performance server, Python/R is for DS/ML, C/C++ for embedded, etc. Is it possible to unite them all under the same application?

I will show you how it is possible with Node.JS and Java. Some theory and a lot of practice is on the way.

Виктор Полищук,



GraalVM: The one to rule them all
Виктор Полищук,
Too many languages we have, too many frameworks for each of them. Some of them are so awesome that you wish you can use it in your regular project. Java is for high performance server, Node.JS is for simple performance server, Python/R is for DS/ML, C/C++ for embedded, etc. Is it possible to unite them all under the same application?

I will show you how it is possible with Node.JS and Java. Some theory and a lot of practice is on the way.
О докладчике
О докладчике
Практикующий Java технический лидер. Более 15 лет занимается профессиональной разработкой ПО на Java. Эксперт в разработке на Java и JavaScript. Умен, талантлив и харизматичен.
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