Running Java Everywhere with GraalVM Native Image

The presentation will start with explaining all the power the Java ecosystem has. Then, it will introduce GraalVM Native Image and show what allows the execution of Java programs on all platforms.

We will conclude by showing the challenges of compiling Java to native code. During the presentation, we will run code on ARM and mobile devices.

Vojin Jovanovic


Running Java Everywhere with GraalVM Native Image
Vojin Jovanovic,
The presentation will start with explaining all the power the Java ecosystem has. Then, it will introduce GraalVM Native Image and show what allows the execution of Java programs on all platforms.

We will conclude by showing the challenges of compiling Java to native code. During the presentation, we will run code on ARM and mobile devices.
О докладчике
О докладчике
Vojin believes that programs can be described in an abstract way and at the same time be executed as quickly as their manually optimized counterparts. To this end, he is working Oracle Labs to improve dynamic compilation in multilingual environments. Before joining Oracle, Vojin received his Ph.D. in the Scala laboratory at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), where he developed a platform for simply adding domain-specific optimizations to existing Scala libraries.
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