Z Garbage Collector: Look Ma, ~No Pause!

Are your application's tail-latencies holding it back from delivering its near-real time SLOs? Do your in-memory processing platform's long pauses only get worse with increasing heap sizes? How about those latency spikes causing variability in your end-to-end latency for your multi-tiered distributed systems?

If any of the above keep you up at night, then have no fear as Z Garbage Collector (GC) is here and is production ready in JDK 15.

In this talk, Monica Beckwith will cover the basics of Z GC and contrast it with G1 GC (the current default collector for OpenJDK JDK 11 LTS and tip).

Monica Beckwith,



Z Garbage Collector: Look Ma, ~No Pause!
Monica Beckwith,
Are your application’s tail-latencies holding it back from delivering its near-real time SLOs? Do your in-memory processing platform’s long pauses only get worse with increasing heap sizes? How about those latency spikes causing variability in your end-to-end latency for your multi-tiered distributed systems?

If any of the above keep you up at night, then have no fear as Z Garbage Collector (GC) is here and is production ready in JDK 15.

In this talk, Monica Beckwith will cover the basics of Z GC and contrast it with G1 GC (the current default collector for OpenJDK JDK 11 LTS and tip).
About speaker
About speaker
Java Champion, Monica Beckwith has several published articles and gets regular invitations to give talks on JVM/JIT Compilation/Garbage Collection (GC). She is also a JavaOne Rock Star.

Monica has co-authored the "Java Performance Companion" book and is currently working on a book titled "JVM Performance Engineering: Inside the OpenJDK HotSpot VM".

Monica is considered one of the influential women in Java and Scala.
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